Touching the hand of history™

Discovery Tours


Discovery Tours provides identification of all finds made on the tour. Every recordable find is identified by the Discovery Tours team. Discovery Tours have years of experience in identifying finds from all ages. All archaeological recordable finds are given a written description.

After you leave, the finds will be researched and identifications clarified by our archaeological small finds and coin specialists and the information recorded with the UK Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Norfolk HER 'Historic Environment Record', prior to arranging export licenses, which is a legal requirement.

You will always be fully informed as to the importance of your finds and any items that have to be declared as potential treasure under the 1996 Treasure Act .

Discovery Tours takes the recovery of archaeological items from English soil very seriously – you only find it once – and every item is potentially important to the understanding of English history. We fully co-operate, support and are supported by the Portable Antiquities Scheme and some of the UK’s leading archaeological specialists, who fully identify and record Discovery Tours finds and offer advice and knowledge.

Dr John Davies

Keeper of Archaeology, Castle Museum, Norwich – specialising in Iron Age coins and the Boudican period of East Anglia

Dr Tim Pestell

Curator Castle Museum, Norwich – specialising in Anglo Saxon artefacts and Papal Bullas

Dr Ian Riddler

Independent archaeologist & Small Finds Specialist – specialising in Roman artefacts, bones and tools manufactured from bone.

Dr Andrew Rogerson -Norfolk Museums & Archaeology Service – expert on pottery & metal finds

Steven Ashley – Norfolk Museums & Archaeology Service – expert in medieval heraldry

Dr Michael Lewis – British Museum – Head of Portable Antiquities & Treasure & specialist advisor for export licences specialising in 11th century culture & art history

Pictured left: A 7th C tear-shaped gold pendant, found by in 1999 by Jim B, and acquired by the Castle Museum, Norwich under the 1996 Treasure Act.